Frequently Asked Question

Why did you make this site? 

Since our toddler learned to how to swing, he's become particularly good at spotting playgrounds, even when we're still blocks away. Sometimes he's insistent we visit a playground or other times we simply want a destination where we know he can safely run around. That got us thinking. There are a lot of playgrounds out there and not all of them are good.

Can I use your photos?

Families looking to use our photos to illustrate playgrounds near their home for a personal adoption portfolio book may do so. To license our photos for any other reason, please reach out on our contact page. We likely can accommodate nonprofit and public interest usages and have reasonable licensing fees in the instance of for-profit use.

Will you visit my local playground?

We'll be visiting new playgrounds for years to come. If you have a particularly unique playground you think we should know about, reach out on contact page.

Why don't you write about the Bronx or Staten Island?

Both Bronx and Staten Island are more than an hour from our home by public transit. When we have a critical mass of playgrounds from those boroughs, we will add them to our database.